Monday, August 01, 2011

Google acquires The Dealmap!

I'm super excited to share that The Dealmap has been acquired by Google. It's a dream come true - and it feels like this is just the beginning!

Fourteen years ago, on this day, it was the beginning of my professional career. Back in Hyderabad, India, fresh out of school, I was looking for opportunities to build things bigger and better. A lot had happened since then: moved to the USA, published in numerous publications, wrote three books, built best of breed products at Microsoft, filed for more than fifty patents, founded a company, recruited world class talent, raised millions of venture capital, and built an incredible product from ground-up - it was a journey worth taking.

Every step of the way, it was lots of hard-work, lots of hope, and tons of understanding from my family. Today "I'm feeling lucky" and this marks a new beginning of this long journey.

From today, together with my team members and a number of Googlers, I will continue on the mission that we had started at The Dealmap - to bring the best local offers anywhere, any time on any device. Google offers the key ingredients that every entrepreneur looks for: incredible talent pool, un-constrained resources and freedom of execution - I get excited just by imagining the scale of things that I can accomplish in the local deals space and beyond.

I'm living every entrepreneur's dream and I want take a moment to thank all the advisors, investors and friends that helped me navigate this.

There is so much to do - and it is just the beginning!

Update: Here is NY Times article - 


  1. Kalyan9:56 AM

    Congratulations! Wish you the very best!


  2. Wow, thats great.. All the very best.

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Wish you all the best Chandu garu...
    -Madhu geddada

  4. Congratulations! Very nice!
