Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Introducing The Dealmap

The Dealmap is now live.

This is the brand new local deal search and discovery engine that we have built at Center'd. The goal is very simple - we want you to find the best deals in your neighborhood and start saving money.

The origins of The Dealmap are deeply rooted into to the flavors work that we did with Center'd last year. When we originally designed various flavors for any city we thought "Cheap" flavor is a good candidate - so we rolled out a series of "deal" pages for different cities like this one: San Francisco Cheap Things To Do. As we started getting feedback on flavors it was pretty clear that people loved local deals - and the use case was so strong that we had to go with its own domain - that's how The Dealmap was born!

While we are using Center'd data platform heavily in The Dealmap's making, there are a ton of cool stuff that we have built ground-up for fast changing (deals are time sensitive) local data. I will be discussing various technology pieces here on my blog in coming weeks.

We also have a full-blown API - as a matter of fact - we built the API first and then built The Dealmap on top of that (hey, we eat our own dog-food! :). So if you are itching to play with this unique local deal dataset, feel free to join the conversation or just get started with the API docs.

It's exciting to see The Dealmap live, but our job here is just getting started to get you the freshest deals daily!

So what do you think? Send me the feedback!