Saturday, September 30, 2006


Scoble's foray into video blogging is felt all across the web - and there is a reason for it. Scoble is known for his content. He has done it with his blog before his Microsoft days, he did at Microsoft with Channel 9 and now at PodTech. When I talked about it in my post regarding "what's next for Scoble" this is exactly what I had in my mind - a TV Show - I even remember asking him about it. There is no doubt that Scoble will be successful in this venture - and it's great to see that he already talks about the things to improve about his show - but there are a couple of things that are missing from the list and here they are:

1. Site is too slow: I'm pretty sure that the PodTech team is already working on it but they need to scale for the upcoming flood of traffic :) - this is a good problem to have but they need to be quick to solve this.

2. Site's design: Not sure how PodTech designers plan to scale the design for Scoble's wide verity of up-coming content but they need to work on basic usability aspects to categorize content (beyond tags) and search (including video search!).

3. Ability to link and host video's from other's blogs: If I'm going to link to Scoble's language war's video talk, I want to be able to post a snippet or even entire video link from my blog (similar to: YouTube or Google Video). Sure I can' link using the permalink but it does not work well for rich media content like ScobleShow!

4. Content: Finally, this is about the content itself. I said before Scoble is known for his content in the past and his speciality lies in covering the content that other's haven't covered before - and I hope he continues that with his ScobleShow. But when I see the list of people that he wants us to pick from all I see folks that are being covered by tons of other channels, magazines and media - so Scoble should probably continue on his original style of talking to the un-sung heroes behind many successes (like he did at Channel 9 @ Microsoft) and introducing them to the world. That's how I at least see ScobleShow is different from other 100's of tech video blogs and channels around.

Having said all that, Scoble is an early indicator of where the the blogging and the media is heading to - way to go Robert, congratulations!