Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nominate Center'd for Mashable Open Web Awards!

I have been so busy building cool stuff at my beloved company these days and I barely get any time to blog :D - but will fix that in coming days.

Talking about Center'd, just this morning I came across an interesting poll from Mashable re: open web awards and thought it would be cool to nominate Center'd in "Places and Events" category. Here is a blurb from Mashable regarding this poll:

Open Web Awards is the only multilingual international online voting competition that covers major innovations in web technology. Through an online nominating and voting process, the Open Web Awards recognizes and honors the top achievements in 26 categories. This year, we’re partnering with over 100 blog partners, Poll Daddy for extra security and ease of voting and extending the nominations period and voting rounds for greater participation.

So, if you are a Center'd user and if you like what we do with the cool integration of local, social and activity planning - pl. submit your nomination for our company below.

And if you haven't been using Center'd - give it a try or if you don't like something you see on our site, let us know at feedback@centerd.com or just email me at chandu@centerd.com.

Thanks in advance for your help! :)