Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Center'd on mevio

Just saw mevio's coverage on Center'd! Pretty cool that Neha thinks we are a 3.0! :)

 Check out the coverage here (@10.25).

What's new in iPhone 3.1 SDK?

Just got a note from Apple that iPhone 3.1 SDK (beta) is up on dev center. So what's new in this SDK?

What's New
Organizer: the iPhone Development grouping now collects crash logs, install
bundles, and provisioning profiles in a single location
iPhone OS 3.1 Simulator uses frameworks more closely matching the device
Toolbar uses a single popup to choose platform, target, and debug/release

We are just getting started on 3.0 and not sure if a minor version upgrade is justified for these updates :)

You can read the full readme on dev center.