Sunday, June 03, 2007

fatdoor and supported browsers

A couple of users have sent me emails asking if fatdoor works on Safari and Firefox etc. So, I thought I would follow-up with a post on this. Here is what we currently support:

- Firefox - On Windows and Mac
- IE (6 & 7) - On Windows

Also please note that we are working on a number of known issues for Safari support and will post an update on that later.

In the mean time if you see any issues, please send them using "contact" form (We are reading each and every single mail that comes through) or you can directly send them to me at

Chandu Thota
Co-Founder & CTO

Mail, Shoutout and Feedback!

Just wanted to a quick update on a couple of things.

fatdoor's messaging capabilities (such as sending emails, friend requests etc) were down this evening from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM due to our mail server down time (note to myself: post a blog entry "before" we are down next time). But please note that, none of your friend requests or sign-ups are lost during this time, they were simply queued and processed as soon as we are back up at 5:30 PM.

Based on the feedback so far, the "shoutout" feature is one of the most loved features on fatdoor; for those who haven't played with fatdoor, "shoutout" is a simple way of keeping in touch with your neighborhood online - think of it as your "news feed" for the neighborhood (you can actually subscribe to it via any feed reader too) that is generated by your neighbor activity.

We are getting a lot of feedback from our early Alpha users (both feature requests and bugs) and we are working on them quickly to roll out what you are asking for. So, please keep it coming!

As always, I can be reached at this blog or at my email:

Chandu Thota
Co-Founder & CTO