Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Center'd in San Diego

As planned, some of us were in San Diego last weekend launching Center'd at the National PTA Conference. It was a

fantastic experience to be able to connect with parents and teachers from across the country and listen to them talk about their experiences on local planning; after all who else can understand the local planning better than parents and busy professionals? So we got tons great feedback (and some kudos!) - we are now back at our Center'd HQ and we have work cut out for us.

BTW, work is not the only thing we did while we were down in San Diego (even though we LOVE what we do) we also had a fun time at the Old Town Mexican - and yes, we discovered this wonderful restaurant using our own search tool! While we are at it, what are your favorites in San Diego? Tell us by saving them to your places on Center'd, we would like to explore them when we go back there again (and your friends will benefit from it too).