Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thanks for all the feedback on fatdoor (and keep it coming)

We have been getting a lot of blogger attention and feedback on fatdoor so far. Thank you very much and keep it coming. One of the major feedback items was that it was not clear on our site that we are only open in Silicon Valley; we have outlined it in our press release, but who reads a press release anyway :) So we added on our homepage last night that we are only open in Silicon Valley; all other users will be in an invitation queue so that they will be our first users in their neighborhood.
Also here is an interesting screen shot as of this morning: fatdoor is one of the most tagged item on blogs. Thank you for all your feedback and please keep it coming.


Chandu Thota

Co-Founder & CTO

Monday, May 28, 2007

fatdoor is live in Silicon Valley

We have just launched at Ignite Where 2.0 and we are live in Silicon Valley. If you live in the area, sign-up to "get to know your neighbors"; if you are not in the area, sign-up for an invitation - we are going to open up for different geographic areas soon.
This is an exciting product that we have been working on for last 4 months with a goal to enable neighbors connect, communicate and share information in the neighborhood.

All neighbors in the neighborhood have profile pages created and they can be edited by anyone in the network (friends, family and neighbors). You can reach any neighbor either by directly writing to them (via fatdoor mail) or by inviting them to join your network (friends etc).
fatdoor also offers rich community tools such as "Geo Spatial Groups", and "shout outs" for one to many communication. You can post a shoutout (think of a message broadcast in your neighborhood) to reach all your neighbors within 5 miles or can post a group message just to reach your block. You pick how you want to communicate. And you get to keep tabs on all this via RSS feed to add to your favorite portal like MSN, Yahoo or iGoogle.
Finally, one cool thing about fatdoor is it you can see community activity around a location. For example, if you have a Palo Alto Blogger meetup at Coupa Cafe, Palo Alto, CA, visiting the profile page for Coupa Cafe will show you the blogger community meeting at that location. That gives you a good idea of all the community (group) activity that happens around that place! That can expose your community activity to more people so that you reach out to more members in the city.
There is a lot more to write about for detailed features - which I will continue to do so in next couple of posts. But in the mean time, if you are in the Silicon Valley, please sign up and give us feedback!
Chandu Thota
Co-Founder & CTO
PS: Venture Beat has a nice story on fatdoor. Dan Kaplan did an awesome job in getting to the value of our service and the potential. Give it a read.