Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Get deals near you via RSS Feeds & Widgets

We have been busy at The Dealmap HQ working on more ways to get you the local deals in ways that's convenient for you. As part of this push we are launching local deal feeds for top cities and The Dealmap widgets .

Local Deal RSS Feeds

To get a feed for your city, simply go to our local deals directory and pick your city. Then select the type of feed you need (Restaurants vs. Daily Deals) - then simply add "/rss" at the end and add that url in your favorite feed reader!

For example to get all daily deals in San Jose, you would subscribe to: http://www.thedealmap.com/cities/san-jose-ca/daily-deals/rss

Similarly, to get all restaurant deals in Seattle, you would subscribe to: http://www.thedealmap.com/cities/seattle-wa/restaurant-deals/rss


Local Deal Widgets

You can also get local deals in widgets for your site with a single line of simple HTML code. Simply visit The Dealmap Widget maker page and pick a theme/design/size that suites your blog! We have pre-selected some standard IAB sizes so that its easier for you to integrate into your blog/site. Below is a sample widget and the code required to install it:

<iframe height='260px' width='310px' style='padding:0px;border:0px' src='http://widgets.thedealmap.com/?l=Seattle%2c+WA&h=250&w=300&t=black&lcid=1033'></iframe>

It's that simple!

We are working on more ways to get your favorite deals - so stay tuned. And of course, these widgets are built on top of our own Dealmap APIs - so you can build a custom widget yourself if you are a tinkerer!

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